A divided city?

Harry Shannon Just over 20 years ago, the Ontario government created a new City of Hamilton by amalgamating what had previously been the city with surrounding towns. At the time it was highly controversial. One town, Dundas, held a plebiscite (an unofficial vote) on the issue. About half the electorate voted - far more than typically turn out f…

Failure to sample can be dangerous to your health

Harry Shannon Background: Municipalities in Ontario held elections last week. A couple of days before, the Hamilton Spectator published a letter complaining that an opinion poll reporting on the race for Mayor was useless. I responded and the letter was in the print edition a few days later. Below is the letter I sent; there were some minor edi…

Don’t elect this man

Harry Shannon We got this flyer in our mailbox a couple of weeks ago: My comment  on this was the lead letter in the Hamilton Spectator today. Only 250 words allowed, so I couldn't make all the points I would have liked to. It's a scary thought that someone like this man might get elected. Here’s the text of my lett…

Anti-Science group folds after only a few days

Harry Shannon The group Anti-Science Politicians, or ASP, has rapidly backed down from its aims and is disbanding less than a week after it announced its formation. ASP was a growing international movement that promised to reject science and the products of science. ASP was founded by Mike Pence and includes anti-vaxxer politicians and other…

Britons live miserable lives – even right-wing tabloids acknowledge it …

… although they do so unwittingly and indirectly Harry Shannon On March 1, The Guardian published an opinion piece by Gordon Brown, the former UK Prime Minister. It was sad reading. The title was: “First food banks, now bedding banks: in my time in politics, this is the worst poverty I’ve seen.” Brown reported that families that coul…

Israeli apartheid?

Harry Shannon A few weeks ago, Amnesty International (AI) issued a report that concluded that Israel is guilty of apartheid in its treatment of Palestinians. Of course, the term apartheid is loaded, and you can agree or disagree with AI’s conclusion. Notably, Human Rights Watch and the Israeli NGO B’Tselem have also accused Israel of aparth…

Whose freedom?

Harry Shannon Unless you've been hiding under the proverbial rock, you'll know about the protests in Canada that are occupying Ottawa after two and a half weeks. The convoy of trucks started in the west of the country and reached Ottawa on Friday January 28. That day, there was an article in the Toronto Star. I wrote a letter to the paper. It's…

No, I don’t have all the answers

Harry Shannon My cousin Henry told me about an online talk last week by David Rooney, a British historian. Rooney has just written a book called “About time: A history of civilization in twelve clocks.” The talk was very nicely done; I enjoyed it a lot. Rooney used each clock to illustrate a one-word theme – e.g., order, virtue, empires, …

Secrecy at City Hall

My latest letter in the Hamilton Spectator Background There are two prominent local issues I refer to in the letter. The Red Hill Valley Parkway (controversial from its conception for its impact on the environment) was opened in 2007. A report submitted in 2014 to the City of Hamilton raised concerns about the asphalt surface, particularly i…

Ontario Premier Doug Ford is not up to the task

Harry Shannon Background: This letter to the Toronto Star followed their editorial outlining some of the problems with how Ontario Premier Doug Ford has been handling the pandemic. I thought the analogy with sports players would resonate with Ford himself, as well as others. The letter was published in the January 22 edition of the paper. Re…