Econ 101 Pop Quiz

It seems the economic policy known as ‘supply-side’ has made a comeback in the U.S. under Donald Trump.  The underlying idea was, I understand, proposed by Arthur Laffer in the 1970s and formed the basis of Ronald Reagan’s approach in his presidency.  The claim is that if taxes are reduced, society as a whole will benefit becaus…

What consumers want

Harry Shannon CBC News Item 21 April 2019'Is that even legal?' Companies may be sharing new credit or debit card information without you knowing. … Information about the sharing of this kind of information with third party companies is often buried in the fine print of bank and credit card agreements… There…

How I lost three hours to Summer Time

Harry Shannon Spring forward, Fall back; so goes the saying.  Which means you ‘lose’ one hour when the clocks go forward in Spring. Yet I managed to lose three!  I was in Canada for the first one on 10 March.  North America extended the summer time period some years ago.  The U.S. Congress were pretending they were takin…