Who likes Poutine?

Harry Shannon

In the Anglo-Saxon world, the President of Russia’s name is spelled Vladimir Putin.  So I was surprised to see how the French write his surname.  The picture is a still from the CBC’s nightly news show ‘The National’ on 29 December.

Here’s an idea for Margaret Atwood.  Her book this year, ‘The Testaments,’ was a sequel to ‘The Handmaid’s Tale.’  So my suggestion is for her to write another sequel, this time to ‘The Edible Woman.’  The obvious title: ‘The Edible President.’  Since it will deal with a character based on Putin, she won’t have to depart from her preference for dystopian topics.

And what’s with the anonymity of the French President, Emmanuel Macron?  I can imagine you reading this and giving the proverbial Gallic shrug.  I don’t get it too.