My letter in the Toronto Star, May 14

Background to this letter: The Conservative government in Ontario opposes the federal carbon tax, claiming it is ineffective.  Premier Doug Ford is taking the matter to the courts.  As well, Ford has talked about increasing speed limits on Ontario highways.  My letter was joining some dots.

Re He who tweets by gas prices, dies by gas prices, May 2

The whole point of the carbon tax (starting at 4.4 cents per litre) is to encourage us to use less fossil fuel: when prices go up, people buy less.  But if we buy less, the province will get less revenue from the provincial gas tax – currently 14.7 cents per litre.

So how can the province make up the shortfall?  Well, if we drive at 120 km/h, we use about 20% more fuel than at 100 km/h.  Problem solved.

Harry Shannon, Dundas, Ont